TrolMaster Dry Contact Station for Hydro-X Environmental Control System

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  • SKU: 14308


The Trolmaster DSD-1 Dry-contact module provides a simple and flexible solution to who want to connect & control devices to the Hydro-X using a dry-contact or relay to activate the device. Some equipment requires either normally open or normally closed contact closure in order to activate the equipment. The DSD-1 is the product that you need to control those types of devices.

The DSD-1 can be configured to work as the other Trolmaster power modules work. The DSD-1 connects into the devices line on the Hydro-X and can be set to control an almost infinite number and types of devices such as:

-Lighting contactors
-Light Deprivation curtains
-Pump contactors
-Temperature devices
-Humidity devices
-CO2 devices

More Information

Weight 1.000000
Brand TrolMaster
Width 4
Length 7
Height 4
